Monday 24 August 2015

Today Jennifer from the SPCA came to visit Rata. She brought along a cute little puppy called Tilly. We watched a video about all the great things the SPCA does to help pets that need a new home. They sometimes have horses, penguins, hedsgehogs and even turtles at the SPCA. They teach people how to look after and care for our pets. 
SPCA Visit on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Today Rata had a very special visitor. We met Ali and her guide dog called Ella. Ali is blind and we learnt about all the amazing things that Ella has been trained to do to help Ali. 
Dogs like Ella are working dogs. It took 18 months to train her. She needs to be trained to learn all the places that Ali needs to walk to. Ella can understand over 200 instructions. Ella also understands when it is time to work and time to play.
Here are some photos of our interesting visitors.

Sunday 16 August 2015

After reading some stories about our favourite cat called Greedy Cat, we wrote some stories about him. Then we painted Greedy Cat. 
Here are our paintings and our stories.


We had fun with Pentominoes at Maths time.
First of all we had to make as many different shapes with 5 Multi Link cubes as we could. 
We worked with a buddy and drew our new shapes onto a grid. 

We discovered together that we could make 12 different shapes.

Next we played a game of Pentominoes with our buddies. 
We had to place all of the shapes one at a time onto a grid so that the sides of the shapes were touching. The winner was the last person to place a shape on the grid so it fitted next to another shape.

Pentominoes in Rata Toru on PhotoPeach

Thursday 13 August 2015

We have been talking about how we look after pets. We know that different pets have different needs. 
We decided that we would be able to have a class goldfish as a pet because we know how to look after it. 

To be happy and healthy a goldfish needs:
A tank
A water filter and pump                                
Clean water
Water conditioner
Vet care if he gets sick
He needs lots of love from all of us.

Here we are helping to carefully place the gravel in the fish tank. Then we filled it up with water and popped in a decoration treasure chest and some plants for him to hide in. 
We did all this before we got our goldfish to make sure the water was ready for him. 
After a class vote, we named our new goldfish Goldie. 
He loves his new tank...and we love him too.

Goldie the Goldfish on PhotoPeach
We celebrated 100 days at school the other week. 
Mrs Powell has been sick and I didn't get to post these great photos of us.
We had great fun making the number 100 with lots of different equipment and a buddy. 
We learnt that 10 lots of 10 makes 100.

After that we made some very cool 100 days smarter glasses.
Don't we look good?